Mahsulot tavsifi
Fiber metal laser cutting machine
1. Arzon narx va quvvat sarfi 0,5-1,5 kVt / soat; Xaridor har qanday metall choyshabni havo bilan puflash orqali kesishi mumkin;
2. Yuqori samaradorlik. Asl qadoqlangan tolali lazer import qilingan, barqaror ishlashi va ishlash muddati 100000 soatdan ortiq;
3. Yuqori tezlik va samaradorlik, o'nlab metrga yaqin metall plitalarni kesish tezligi;
4. Lazerli texnik xizmat;
5. Chiqib ketish tomoni mukammal ko'rinadi va tashqi ko'rinishi silliq va chiroyli;
6. Transmissiya mexanizmi va servo dvigatel va kesishning yuqori aniqligi import qilingan;
7. Dedicated software enables graphic or text to be instantly designed or processed. Flexible and easy operation.
Parameter of Fiber metal laser cutting machine
Lazer kuchi | 500 Vt | |
Lazer manbai | Raycus or IPG Laser Fiber Laser Source | |
Lazer turi | Imported Fiber Laser or Top Brand China Fiber Laser | |
Lazerli texnologiyalar | Germaniya texnologiyasi | |
XYZ ish maydoni | 2500*1300 | 3000*1500 |
Max. Cutting Thickness (CS) | 1mm - 5mm | |
Maks. Chiqib ketish tezligi | 5-15 Meters / Min (up to materials) | |
Max. Location speed | 60m / min | |
Lazer to'lqin uzunligi | 1070nm | |
Minimal chiziq kengligi | ≤0.1mm | |
Joylashuv aniqligi | ≤ ± 0,05 mm | |
Qayta joylashishni aniqlash | ± 0,02 mm | |
Maks. harakatlanish tezligi | 100m / min | |
Formatni qo'llab-quvvatlash | PLT, DXF, BMP, AI | |
Quvvat talabi | 380V / 50Hz | |
Sovutish usuli | Suvni sovutish | |
Ish stoli maksimal yuklamoq | 1000KGS | |
Etkazish usuli | Ball vintlarini uzatish | |
Stol bilan boshqariladigan tizim | Japanese Imported Servo Motor & Driving System | |
Fokus usuli | Fokusni kuzatish va avtomatik sozlash | |
Boshqarish usuli | Oflayn xarakatni boshqarish | |
Boshqarish dasturi | Zo'r lazerli professional lazerni kesish dasturi |
Applcaition and Sample
Applied in sheet metal processing, aviation, spaceflight, electronics, electrical appliances, subway parts, automobile
mashinalar, nozik qismlar, kemalar, metallurgiya uskunalari, asansör, maishiy texnika, sovg'alar va qo'l san'atlari,
tool processing, adornment, advertising, metal foreign processing various ma
Laser source option
Raycus: 500W, 750W, 1000W, 1500W,2200w,3300W,4400W
IPG: 500W,700W, 1000W, 1500W, 2000W, 3000W, 4000W,
Different laser power due to the different laser cutting thickness,materials and the production quantity.
After the machine reach the buyer's site,the engineers from the seller are responsible for machine installation
and commissioning by using the special tools under the help of the buyer. Buyer should pay for our engineer
visa fee, air tickets, accommodation, meals etc.
Lazer xavfsizligi bo'yicha umumiy himoya bilimlari
Lazer modulining asosiy printsipi va lazerni kesish mashinasining tuzilishi
Elyaf lazerni kesish mashinasining ishlash qobiliyatlari
Uskunaning ishlashi va dastur to'g'risida ogohlantirish
Uskunalarga kundalik texnik xizmat ko'rsatish, lazer modulini sozlash va ehtiyot qismlarni almashtirish qobiliyatlari.
O'rnatish va o'qitish vaqti taxminan 5 dan 7 kungacha.
Kafolat va xizmat
1). 1 year warranty for the whole machine
2). Elyaf lazer manbai uchun 2 yillik kafolat
3). Hayot davomida xizmat ko'rsatish
4).In the warranty period,if it break down or some parts damaged(Except the human factors and the factors
of force majeure),the seller should be responsible for repair for free,the parts need to be replaced will be
provided from seller for free(Except the quick-wear part).
5). After the warranty period expired,the buyer only need to pay the actual maintenance cost.
6).Some customer, we will pay a return visit for several times one year,and will provide technical support
service anytime,and also provide spare parts anytime the buyer want.
7).After sales service response time: quick response within 8 working hours,after receive the repair call,
our after sales engineer will reply as soon as possible.