chinni ishlab chiqaruvchi tola lazer naychasini kesish mashinasi

kolba lazerni kesish mashinasi ishlab chiqaruvchilari

This type of Fiber lazerni kesish mashinasi for Round Metal Pipe and Sheet Cutting is launched by Perfect Laser. Adopted the Taiwan famous screw guide, Panasonic servo and drive, the fiber laser cutting machine can meet the needs for cutting metal pipe and sheet. And the pipe diameter can up to 200mm. It can be customized according to different demands. The unique design with rotary auxiliaries can avoid the technical problems for cutting pipe and sheet at the same time.

Mahsulotning afzalliklari

Advantage about Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Round Metal Pipe and Sheet Cutting

1. Controller with a touch screen operating system, easy to operate.

2. 3HP high-power water chillers to keep the laser head always in a comfortable working temperature.

3. 500-1000W Raycus or IPG fiber laser source, and the photoelectric conversion rate is high.

4.Automatic focus laser cutting head (metal sensor) selection of well-known brands USA , with high sensitivity, good stability.

5.Japan's Panasonic servo motor and drive to improve the cutting speed and stability.

6.Combination of ball movement and feed system.

Sotishdan keyingi xizmat

After-Sale Service:

1> All of our machine will be full-checked by our quality control department before the shipment. We make sure that customers

will be get good products from us. and all of our machine with a 12 months quality guarantee period.

2> We will enclose an "Instruction Book", "Operation Manual" and "Training Video" (in English version) to you, which is easily understood and handle by the


3> We will offer plenty of online supports, by email, video, telephone and fax.

4> Our engineer can make a door-to-door instruction training service.

Q: What’s the package?
Javob: Bizda 3 ta qatlamli paket mavjud. Tashqi tomondan, biz yog'ochdan yasalgan hunarmandchilik qutisini qabul qilamiz. O'rtada, mashinani silkitishdan himoya qilish uchun mashina ko'pik bilan qoplangan. Ichki qatlam uchun mashina suv o'tkazmaydigan qalinlashtiruvchi plastik to'rva bilan qoplangan.

Savol: Tashish paytida paket shikastlanadimi?
A: Our package is considerate all the damage factors and make it to be safe, and our shipping agent have full experienced in safe transportation. We have exported to 180 countries worldwide. So please don’t worry, you will receive the parcel in good condition.

Savol: Mashinani qanday o'rnatish va ishga tushirish kerak?
Javob: Bizning texnikimiz yuk tashishdan oldin mashinani o'rnatdi. Ba'zi kichik qismlarni o'rnatish uchun biz mashina bilan birga batafsil o'quv videosi, foydalanuvchi qo'llanmasini yuboramiz. 95% mijozlar o'zlari o'rganishlari mumkin.

Savol: Mashina noto'g'ri bo'lsa, qanday qilishim mumkin?
Javob: Agar bunday muammolarga duch kelsangiz, biz bilan tezroq bog'laning va mashinani o'zingiz yoki boshqa birov tomonidan tuzatishga urinmang. Biz buni siz uchun hal qilish uchun 24 soat ichida imkon qadar tezroq javob beramiz.

Tez ma'lumotlar

Ilova: lazerni kesish
Ahvoli: Yangi
Lazer turi: tolali lazer
Qo'llaniladigan material: metall
Cutting Thickness: 0.5-10
Kesish maydoni: 1500 * 3000mm
Cutting Speed:15000mm/min
CNC or Not: No
Sovutish rejimi: suvni sovutish
Boshqarish dasturi: Cypcut
Grafik formati qo'llab-quvvatlanadi: AI, BMP, DST, DWG, DXF, DXP, LAS, PLT
Kelib chiqishi joyi: Anhuy, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: ACCURL
Sertifikatlash: Idoralar, ISO, FDA
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatiladi: Chet elda xizmat ko'rsatadigan mashinalarga xizmat ko'rsatadigan muhandislar
Product name: Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Round Metal Pipe and Sheet Cutting
Maximum run speed: 90m/min
Laser Wavelength: 1080 nm
Minimum cutting line width: 0.1mm
Rated output power: 50--2000W
X, Y-axis positioning accuracy: ≤±0.01mm
Z-axis travel: 20mm
Diameter: 1mm-300mm
Pipe type:Round,oval,special-shaped pipe
Pipe Length: 3-9m
Paket va etkazib berish

Paket tafsilotlari

1. We have 3 layers package. For the outside, we adopt wood craft case. In the middle, the machine is covered by foam, to protect the machine from shaking. For the inside layer, the machine is covered by thickening plastic bag for waterproof.

2. Air-Worthy Packing or Sea Packing which comply with international standard.

Delivery Time
15-30 working days


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