sevimli mashg'ulot cnc plazma chiqib ketish mashinasi

fabrika to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotiladigan sevimli mashg'ulot cnc lazerni kesish mashinasi
Product Description ACCURL-3015 CNC fiber laser cutting machine is an economic laser cutting equipment. It’s an optical-mechanical-electrical integrative product composed of fiber laser generator, light guiding and focus system, automatic following system, water chilling unit, fiber cutting head, cutting bed, controlling system and air system. metal laser cutting machine 1. IPG fiber laser source, Panasonic AC servo motor, HIWIN guiderail, Precitec laser head; 12 meters gantry milling finish. We are striving to offer reliability and accuracy in long time operation ...

1530 metall kesish dastgohlari uy do'konining sevimli mashg'ulotlari giper termik cnc plazma chiqib ketish mashinasi sotiladi
Features of plasma cnc cutting machine 1. Beam with light structural design, the structure has good rigidity, light weight, exercise inertia and low cost. 2. Gantry-type structure, Y-axis synchronous dual-motor drive and XYZ axis with circular rail (optional formula-type linear guide), steady transmission, and high accuracy. 3. For advertising solid light, groove metal panel and bottom plate of the word for cutting, cutting accuracy good indicator. If equipped with the U.S. Treasure plasma power can achieve lower laser cutting machine ...

sevimli mashg'ulot cnc plazma to'sar, cnc plazma naychasini metall uchun kesish mashinasi
Product Description 1) cnc metal plasma cutting machine adopt bench-gantry structure, welding after the vibration aging treatment to eliminate stress, so that in the long-term use of no deformation 2) All mechanical drive system using rolling bearings and precision machining accuracy as 6 GB of precision gears mesh with the rack 3) Planetary reduce drive system, its input and output error of only 16 arc minutes, at the same time, in the horizontal and vertical structure of the gear drive, ...

gantry arzon metall plazma chiqib ketish mashinalari xobbi cnc plazma to'sar metall kesish mashinasi narxi
1. Kesish boshi: metallni kesish mashinasi plazmasi har xil qalinlikdagi zanglamaydigan po'lat va temirni kesishi mumkin. 1) balandlikni sozlash uchun boshqaruv qutisi, fotoelektrik kalit va chegara kaliti. 2) Turli materiallar sifatida masofani avtomatik ravishda sozlang. 3) Sensor avtomatik ravishda yuzaga chiqishi mumkin. 2.Quvvat manbai: Huayuan plazma quvvat manbai (ixtiyoriy uchun AQSh Hypertherm), a'lo darajada ishlash, past ishlamay qolish darajasi, xavfsizroq. 3.Plazma uzatish: X, Y o'qi barcha Tayvan Hiwin ikki to'g'ri kvadrat relsdan foydalanadi, bu esa mashinani yuqori aniqlik bilan silliq harakatlanishini ta'minlaydi. Mashina raft orqali uzatiladi, bu esa yuqori harakat tezligini va ...