zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan metall plazma to'sar mashinasi narxi / kichik cnc plazma chiqib ketish mashinasi

kichik cnc plazma chiqib ketish mashinasi

Main configuration of cnc plazma chiqib ketish mashinasi

>THC HEIGHT CONTROLLER--The numerical control system with high disposes, the automatic striking arc, the performance is stable. Stuart cutting system panel, Auto Initial Height Sensing, Arc Voltage Divide etc, can cut different thickness, automatic height control, easy operation, high efficiency.

>Blade and saw working table for choose,support heavy metal with high stabilit.

> High precision square rail, and rack gear.

> Roll ball, convenient to feed.

> Huayuan plasma power supply(USA Hypertherm for optional),excellently performance,low failure rate, more secure.

> CUTTING SYSTEM/CONTROL SYSTEM PANEL--Starfire cutting system-SF-2100C/ Start cutting system/ FLMC-F2300A can be choose.

>Stepper motor (servo for optional) cooperate with precision machinery transmission system, faster and more stable, higher cutting efficiency.

Technical Date of cnc plazma chiqib ketish mashinasi

Ahvoli: Yangi
Voltage: AC380/3P 50HZ
Nominal quvvat: 8,5 kVt
Dimension(L*W*H): 3.0m*1.8m*1.6m
Weight: 1000kg
Sertifikatlash: Idoralar, ISO
Kafolat: bir yil
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatiladi: Chet elda xizmat ko'rsatadigan mashinalarga xizmat ko'rsatadigan muhandislar
key word: cnc plasma cutting machine
working area: 1300* 2500mm
control system: STARFIRE/ START/ FLMC-F2300A
height control: auto Torch height controller
plasma power: Hypertherm power or Chinese LGK power
plasma current: 65A, 85A, 105A or 63A, 100A 160A 200A
support software: Fastcam Nesting software
motor: standard step motor (servo motor optional)
Table-board: Steel blade saw tooth mesa
guide rail: imported square rail

Working  Area1300x2500 mm
Kesish tezligi8-15m/min
Joylashtirish aniqligini takrorlang± 0,05 mm
Jarayonning aniqligi± 0,35 mm
MotorBosqichli motor
Kesish qalinligi0-30mm (depends on power supply)
Quvvat8,5 kVt
Etkazish modeliTishli tokchali disk
Kirish voltaji3 phase 380V
Quvvatlantirish manbaiLGK--63A,100A,160A,200A


Kesish tizimiPekin Styuartni kesish tizimi (ingliz tilida)
Transmissiya tizimiX, Y Tayvan Xivin yuqori aniqlikdagi,

zero clearance increased linear guide+ rack

Support softwareDrawing software--CAD

Nesting software--Australia fastcam software

Cutting path file--artcam, type3 etc

Height controlarc voltage torch height controller
Yo'l ko'rsatmaImport qilingan kvadrat temir yo'l
Stol taxtasiChelik pichoq tish meshasini ko'rdi
Chelik pichoq tish meshasini ko'rdiRay vilkasi 860 drayveri
(Sino-us joint venture large drives)
Ish rejimiKontaktsiz yoy

Plasma power supply of cnc plazma chiqib ketish mashinasi

1.Plasma domestic Huayuan Power: -63A cutting thickness: 0-6mm // -100A cutting thickness: 0-10mm// -160A cutting thickness: 10-15mm// -200A cutting thickness: 15-30mm

2.US Haibao power:-65A cutting thickness: 0-12mm// -85A cutting thickness: 0-16mm// -105A cutting thickness: 0-22mm// -130A cutting thickness: 0-30mm
