kvadrat quvur 2000w po'lat deraza panjara dizayni tolalar lazerni kesish mashinasi

lazerni kesish mashinasi narxi

Mahsulot tavsifi

Product Application:

Furniture ,Medical Device,Fitness Equipment,Oil Exploration,Display Shelf,Farm Machinery,Bridge,Boating,Structure Parts.

Applicable type for tube:

Specially for round,square,rectangular,oval,waist round tube and other metal pipes

Qo'llaniladigan materiallar:

Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass,Copper,Galvanized Steel.

Automatic Bundle Loader Steel Square Pipe Making Machine
Pipe type
round, square, rectangular, oval, OB-type, C-type, D-type, triangle, etc (standard),Angle steel, channel steel, H-shape steel, L-shape steel, etc (option)
Pipe length
Pipe size
Qayta joylashishni aniqligini takrorlang
± 0,03 mm
Joylashtirish aniqligi
± 0,05 mm
Fiber laser source
Position speed
Max 90m/min
Chuck rotate speed
Max 105r/min
Cut Acceleration
Bundle size
Bundle weight
Max 2500kg
Electric power supply
AC380V 50/60Hz 3PH

Asosiy xususiyatlari

1,Round pipe, rectangular pipe and other pipes can be fully automated loading, without human intervention. Other shapes pipe can be semi-automatic feeding artificially
2,Max loading bundle 800x800mm
3,Max loading bundle weight 2500kg
4,The total feed manipulator with frame and strand width control transport links in 2200mm, total height control in 2300mm, maximum height of not more than 2500mm. So overall into containers
5,The tape support frame for easy removal
6,Feeding robot body with a chain conveyor link structure integrated design, easy to debug transport
7,The pneumatic system components used AirTAC or other more high-end brand, PLC control, sensors and other selected Omron, Schneider and other well-known brands. Ensure the stability of the system and export standard


Mashina qismlari

Name: Automatic loading mechanism
1.The total feed manipulator with frame and strand width control transport links in 2200mm, total height control in 2300mm, maximum height of not more than 2500mm. So overall into containers
2.Feeding robot body with a chain conveyor link structure integrated design, easy to debug transport

Mashina qismlari

Nomi: Avtomatik yig'ish moslamasi

1. Avtomatik ko'taruvchi tayanch, trubkani oling va savatga soling
2.Visual o'lchovni qo'llab-quvvatlash quvur diametri bo'yicha qo'llab-quvvatlash diametrini tezda sozlashi mumkin
3.Visual shkalasi sozlanishi tayanch ko'tarish moslamasi oziqlantirish vaqtini tejaydi, konsentriklikni ta'minlaydi, quvurlarni chayqalishini oldini oladi

Asosiy xususiyatlari

Name: Power chuck
1.Chuck gaz yo'lini o'zgartirib, odatiy to'rt jag'li chuck aloqasi, optimallashtirish Cheng zarbali quvvat chuck ikki tomonlama harakat.
2.Turli diametrlarni kesish, sayohat oralig'idagi quvur shakli (ikki tomonlama zarba 80 mm), jag'ni oson o'rnatish va markazlashtirilgan sozlash kerak emas.
3.easy switching of different diameters, a substantial saving setup time..

Mashina qismlari

Name: Pneumatic support
The cutting of pipes of different diameters, by adjustable support system to quickly and accurately find concentricity pipe and claw, to achieve rapid feeding, care feeding purposes, saving setup time cut-out.You can assist chuck support, reducing the swing pipe..

Asosiy xususiyatlari

Name: Integration bed
1.As a whole plate welded bed, the whole length of 8 meters.
2.Integration bed can better ensure concentricity of equipment, vertical, precision installation fast and efficient.
3.The whole structure is compact precision

Tez ma'lumotlar

Ahvoli: Yangi
Lazer turi: tolali lazer
Qo'llaniladigan material: metall
Cutting Thickness: Depends on power source
Cutting Area: tube length 6m,8m; tube diameter 20-300mm
Cutting Speed: depending on materials and fiber power
CNC yoki yo'q: Ha
Sovutish rejimi: suvni sovutish
Boshqarish dasturi: Cypcut
Grafik formati qo'llab-quvvatlanadi: AI, BMP, DST, DWG, DXF, DXP, LAS, PLT
Kelib chiqishi joyi: Anhuy, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: ACCURL
Sertifikatlash: Idoralar
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatiladi: Chet elda xizmat ko'rsatadigan mashinalarga xizmat ko'rsatadigan muhandislar
Model: P2060A
Repeat position accuracy: ±0.03mm
Position accuracy: ±0.05mm
Fiber laser source: 1000w/1200w/2000w/2500w/3000w
Position speed: Max 90m/min
Acceleration: 1.2g
Electric power supply: AC380V 50/60Hz 3PH

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