Applicable materials and industry
Industry: it's designed for metal sheet cutting and processing, such as plate processing, machinery manufacuring and precision processing, etc.
Materials: stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, brass and pipes, etc. Industry: it's designed for metal sheet cutting and processing, such as plate processing, machinery manufacuring and precision processing, etc.
Materials: stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, brass and pipes, etc.
1 | Mashina nomi | ART-1530F Fiber laser cutting machine |
2 | Laser machine cutting area | 1500x3000mm |
3 | Kesish qalinligi | 0.2-6mm stainless steel/0.2-12mm steel |
4 | Lazer kuchi | 300w/500w/750w/1000W/1200W |
5 | laser device | Raycus / IPG |
6 | Lazer to'lqin uzunligi | 1080nm |
7 | Transmissiya tizimi | Imported ball screw / Gear rack(optional) |
8 | X.Y axis location accuracy | ± 0,01 mm |
9 | X.Y axis repeat location accuracy | ± 0,01 mm |
10 | X.Y axis max moving speed | 30m / min |
11 | Maksimal kesish tezligi | 1--16m/min |
12 | Min cutting line with | 0,02 mm |
13 | Machine area size | 4.0x2.2x1.5m |
14 | Suv chilleri | Constant temperature water chiller |
15 | Nazoratchi | Friendiness |
16 | vazn | 2500kgs |
17 | Red dot position | Ha |
Mahsulot xususiyatlari
1. Ikki sharli vintli yopiq aylanish tizimi va import qilingan ochiq CNC tizimi yuqori tezlikda kesish jarayonida yuqori ishlov berish aniqligi va yuqori ish samaradorligini ta'minlaydi.
2. 500 Vt tolali lazer generatorining standart birikmasi va ixtiyoriy 400 Vt-2000 Vt tolali lazer generatori past foydalanish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish xarajatlarini ta'minlaydi.
3. Ochiq struktura materialni yuklash va tushirish uchun qulay va qulay.
4. Yuqori tezlikda kesishni maqsad qilib, biz 2 marta qarish jarayonidan so'ng mustahkamlangan payvandlangan dastgoh tanasini loyihalashtiramiz va ishlab chiqaramiz, bu esa ishlashning uzoq muddatli aniqligi va barqarorligini ta'minlaydi.
5. 3 ta gaz manbalarining (yuqori bosimli havo, azot, kislorod) ikki bosimli gazni boshqarish tizimining standart birikmasi barcha turdagi materiallarni qayta ishlash talablariga javob beradi.
6. Oson ishlash va arzon narx.
7. Optimallashtirilgan optik linzalar, maxsus ishlab chiqilgan nozul va sensor texnologiyasi silliq va barqaror kesishni amalga oshiradi.
1, High speed, high precision, high efficiency and low cost
2, Easy on operation, fiber optical path, without tediously adjustment on optical path
3, Compact structure, good sealing, strongly adaptable to changes in the environment.
4, With the perfect automatic nesting system which can save time, save the materials, the sheet utilization ratio up to 95%
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat:
#. In the processing of production, our professional technical engineers inspect the processing to ensure the quality of products
#. Every machine must be tested before delivery for 8 hours , all of them are absolutely qualified.
#. Butun mashinaning 18 oylik kafolati.
#. Main parts(excluding the consumables) shall be changed free of charge if there is any problem
during the warranty period.
#. Lifetime maintenance free of charge.
#. We will provide the consumable parts at an agency price when you need replacement.
#. Machine has been adjusted before delivery.
#. Our staff can be sent to your company to install or adjust if necessary
Tez ma'lumotlar
Ilova: lazerni kesish
Vaziyat: yangi
Lazer turi: tolali lazer
Qo'llaniladigan material: metall
Cutting Thickness: 0-12mm
Kesish maydoni: 1500 * 3000mm
Cutting Speed: 200mm/s
CNC yoki yo'q: Ha
Sovutish rejimi: suvni sovutish
Boshqarish dasturi: Cypcut
Grafik formati qo'llab-quvvatlanadi: AI, BMP, DST, DWG, DXF, LAS, PLT
Certification: CE, GS, ISO, SGS, UL
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatiladi: Chet elda xizmat ko'rsatadigan mashinalarga xizmat ko'rsatadigan muhandislar
Name: fiber laser cutting machine
Cutting thickness: 0.2-6mm stainless steel/0.2-12mm steel
laser device: Raycus/IPG
Laser power: 500w/700w/1000w/1500w/3000w
Laser wave length: 1080nm
Transmission system: Imported ball screw
X.Y axis location accuracy: ±0.01mm
X.Y axis repeat location accuracy:±0.01mm
X.Y axis max moving speedg humidity:30m/min
Max cutting speed: 1--16m/min