Mashina sanoat qismlari uchun yuqori tezlikda ishlaydigan tolali lazerli kesish mashinasi

industrial laser cutting machine


Ariza materiallari

Fiber lazerni kesish uchun uskunalar zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan qoplama, yumshoq po'latdan yasalgan plastinka, uglerod po'lat plitalari, qotishma po'lat plitalar, bahor po'lat plitalari, temir plitalar, galvanizli temir, galvanizli varaq, alyuminiy plastinka, mis qoplama, mis qoplama, bronza plitalari, oltin plitalar, Kumush plitalar, titaniumli plitalar, metall plitalar, metall plitalar, quvurlar va quvurlar va hk

Ilova sohalari

ACCURL Fiber lazerni kesish mashinalari Billboard, Reklama, Belgilar, Yozuvlar, Metall Xatlar, LED Xatlar, Oshxona anjomlari, Reklama xatlari, Plitalar Metallga ishlov berish, Metall buyumlar va ehtiyot qismlar, Temir buyumlar, Shassilar, Raflar va Shkaflarni qayta ishlash, Metall buyumlar, Metall San'at buyumlari, Asansör panelini kesish, qo'shimcha uskunalar, avtoulov qismlari, ko'zoynak ramkasi, elektron qismlar, shkafchalar va boshqalar.

Mahsulot tavsifi

• Characteristics

1. Low Cost:

Photoelectric conversion rate is higher than 30%, highly saving energy and thus protecting environment. The photoelectric conversion of fiber laser cutting machine is 3 times higher than CO2 laser cutting machine

2. Excellent Laser Beam Quality:

Fiber laser has smaller focus diameter and highER work efficiency, high accuracy and cutting quality.

3. High Cutting accuracy:

Positioning accuracy of fiber laser cutter is 0.05mm, repeat positioning accuracy of 0.03 mm.
4. Stable Running:

Adopting the top world import fiber lasers, stable performance, key parts can reach 100,000 hours;

5. Excellent cutting effect:

Non-contact cutting make sure that the trimming is hardly affected by heat, therefore no thermal deformation of the workpiece, no need a second processing.

6. Saving materials:

The machine adopts Cypcut software. Using computer programming, you can cut different shapes of products, to maximize the utilization of materials.

7. Easy Operations:

Fber line transmission, no adjustment of optical path;

8. Super Flexible Optical Effects:

Compact design, compact and easy to flexible manufacturing requirements.

1. Machine bed

Stronger machine frame ensures a high capacity of loading and no easily deformation.

The cutting effect is highly guaranteed and the service time is longer.

2. Control system

With Cypcut Control system and software with English language, applicable insert files with DXF. Or AI format. Drawing in the software is also okay. Software with fly cutting mode for cutting same products for save time. With Nesting function, autonomic compose type for saving materials by saving spaces.

3. Fiber Laser source

Raycus 750W laser source

The photoelectric conversion more than 30%;

Working environment: 10-40 degree

Device with air-condition to keep it in normal temperature.

Lifetime:100000 hours

4. Driving system

Four sets of Japanese Panasonic drive motors.

Match-able with the transmission system, improve cutting speed and precision.

5. Gear Transmission

Gear- rack transmission system which with Taiwan Hiwin brand.

X and Y axis Moving speed can be max 80m/min.

6. Cooling system

When laser head cut metals, there will produce some hot energy in laser head and laser device. Water chiller is for cooling this two parts. Laser head part, mainly cooling the mirrors.

Temperature in the water chiller is auto adjustment, mainly set up with 25 degree around.

Water in chiller should be pure water.

Texnik parametrlar

SPECIFICATIONS FOR LXF-1530 tolali lazerni kesish mashinasi
China domestic famous cutting head
Yaskawa stepper motor and driver
Gear transmission
Hiwin square guide rails
Imported from France
SUV sovutgich
CYPCUT from shanghai, China
3 FAZALI AC 380V 50Hz
3,05 MTS
ISHLASH O'lchami
3000*1500 mm

Tez ma'lumotlar

Ilova: lazerni kesish
Ahvoli: Yangi
Lazer turi: tolali lazer
Qo'llaniladigan material: metall
Cutting Thickness: 0-8mm carbon steel
Kesish maydoni: 1500 * 3000mm
Cutting Speed:50m/min
CNC yoki yo'q: Ha
Sovutish rejimi: suvni sovutish
Control Software: Cypcut control system
Graphic Format Supported: AI, DST, DWG, DXF, DXP, PLT
Kelib chiqishi joyi: Anhuy, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: ACCURL
Model Number: LXF-1530
Sertifikatlash: Idoralar, ISO
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatiladi: Chet elda xizmat ko'rsatadigan mashinalarga xizmat ko'rsatadigan muhandislar
Laser power: 750W (Optional 300, 500w, 1kw)
Working area:1500mmX3000mm (W/L)
Fiber source: Raycus fiber source
Working voltage: 380v 50hz at 3 phases
Working Table: Sawtooth table
Driving system: Japanese YASKAWA servo motor
Repositioning resolution:±0.05mm/m
Eksenel joylashishni aniqligi: ± 0,04 mm / m
Cooling system: Industrial water chiller 1.2P
Cutting head: China famous brand
