sotiladigan arzon 500w cnc metall tolali lazerli chiqib ketish mashinasi

sotiladigan lazerli kesish mashinasi

A fiber laser is a laser in which the active gain medium is an optical fiber doped with rare-earth elements such as erbium.
The way it generates its beam is distinctly different from that of a Co2 laser which uses resonators.
Fiber lasers are much more ecofriendly than Co2 lasers using typically less than 50% power consumption compared to a Co2 Laser.

They are also more reliable and cut parts up to 6mm thick 30-40% quicker than a Co2 Laser.

Xususiyatlari tolali lazerni kesish mashinasi

1.Zo'r nur sifati: Kichikroq fokus diametri va yuqori ish samaradorligi, yuqori sifat.
2.High cutting speed: cutting speed is more than 20m/min.
3.Barqaror ishlash: dunyodagi eng yaxshi import tolali lazerlarni qabul qilish, barqaror ishlash, asosiy qismlar 100 000 soatga yetishi mumkin
4.High efficiency for photoelectric conversion : Compare with CO2 laser cutting machine ,fiber laser cutting machine
uch marta fotoelektrik konversiya samaradorligiga ega
5. Kam xarajat: Energiyani tejash va atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish. Kam elektr energiyasi iste'moli.
6. Kam parvarishlash: tolali liniyani uzatish, linzalarni aks ettirishning hojati yo'q, texnik xizmat ko'rsatish xarajatlarini tejash;
7.Easy operatsiyalar: tolali liniyani uzatish, optik yo'lni sozlash yo'q;

Technical Date of tolali lazerni kesish mashinasi

Modeltolali lazerni kesish mashinasi
Lazer turiRaycus fiber laser
Lazer bilan ishlaydigan vositaElyaf
Lazer to'lqin uzunligi1064 nm
Lazer kuchi300w, 500w, 750w, 1000w etc
Nur sifati<0.373mrad
Controlling system 4 axisBochu  (Made in Shanghai)
System languageMulti languages
Kesish boshiU.S.26
Motor750W YASKAWA servo (Made in Japan)
Speed reducerDelta
Transmission and guide railsTransmission way for X Y axisRack gear (Made in Germany)
Guide rails for XY axisImported HIWIN Square guide rail
Ball screw for Z axisTHK ball screw (from Japan)
Suv chilleri1P
Rotary systemDiameter of rotor100mm (can actually up to 150mm)
Length of rotoraccording to u request
Industrial computerYan hua
Samarali kesish oralig'i3000* 1500mm
Grafik format qo'llab-quvvatlanadiAuto cad, Corel draw, PLT, DXF, BMP, AI, DST, DWG, etc
Table axial positioning accuracy≤ ± 0.03mm / m
Repeat positioning accuracy table≤ ± 0,02 mm / m
Kesish tezligi≤30m/min
Maksimal kesish qalinligi10 mm (according to laser power )
Maximum table load1600KG
Power RatingsThree-phase  380V 60Hz
Total power protection classIP54

1 Raycus fiber laser generotor
2 US 26 cutting head
3 Bochu controlling system
4 Japan Omron limit switch
5 Water chiller 1p
5 Germany speed reducer

Applications materials of fiber laser cutting machine

Fiber lazerni kesish mashinalari Billboard, reklama, belgilar, yozuvlar, metall harflar, diodli xatlar, oshxona anjomlari, reklama xatlari, polotno metallga ishlov berish, metall buyumlar va ehtiyot qismlar, temir buyumlar, shassilar, tokchalar va shkaflarni qayta ishlash, metall buyumlar, metall buyumlar, metall buyumlar va boshqa buyumlar ishlab chiqarishda keng qo'llaniladi. asansör panelini kesish, qo'shimcha qismlar, avtoulov qismlari, ko'zoynak ramkasi, elektron qismlar, choyshablar va boshqalar.
Is suitable for stainless steel, mild steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, spring steel, iron, galvanized iron, galvanized sheet, aluminum,
copper, brass, bronze, gold, silver, titanium plates, metal sheets, metal plates, metal tubes and pipes, etc.

Qo'llash sohasi:

Fiber lazerni kesish mashinalari are widely used in manufacture Billboard, Advertising, Signs,
Signage, Metal Letters, LED Letters, Kitchen Ware, Advertising Letters, Sheet Metal ProcessingMetals Components and Parts, Ironware, Chassis, Racks & Cabinets Processing,
Metal crafts, metal art ware, elevator panel cutting, hardware, auto parts, Glasses Frame, Electronic Parts, Nameplates, etc.
Cheap 500W CNC Metal Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Sale

Cutting ability & Consume

MateriallarQalinligi (mm)Speed(mm/s)Gas Pressure(MPa)GazCutting Height
Zanglamaydigan po'lat0.5>2001N20.6
Karbonli po'lat1120~1501O21

Bizning xizmatlarimiz
1)24 Months for for the whole machine.
2)All the machines will be full tested before shipment.
3)Laser tube 100000 hours' working time.
4)24 hours technical support-- email, telephone or video online.
5)User-friendly English manual for machine using and maintaining.

