Mahsulotning batafsil tavsifi
Model raqami: | ECO-FIBER 3015 / 4KW ACCURL | X Axis (Rack & Pinion): | 3000 Mm |
Y Axis (Rack & Pinion): | 1500 Mm | Z Axis (Ball Screw): | 100 Mm |
Maksimal kesish hajmi: | 10 Mm Aluminyum | Mahsulot nomi: | Fiber lazerni kesish mashinasi |
ACCURL IPG 4000 Vt tolali lazerli kesish mashinasi with CNC Laser Cutting Machine 4kw Price for Sale
Aniqlik CNC metal fiber laser cutting equipment main features:
Accurl brand CNC metal fiber laser cutting machine take key components are used abroad leading brand, perfect assembly techniques to create best cutting performance.
Performation in advance mode, the plate quickly punch cutting, cutting time much saved,automatic folloing system, domestic top vibility, can realize a calibrationg, antomatics following, fiber transport, flexible procsssing, suitable for cutting stainless steel, carbon steel and other kinds of high-reflective metal materials.
Mahsulot xususiyatlari
Murakkab tolali lazer generatori va shar vintli harakatlanuvchi tizimni qabul qilib, yuqori aniqlikdagi va yuqori tezlikda har xil turdagi metall materiallarni kesishi va urishi mumkin.
Lazer tolalar orqali uzatilganligi sababli, parvarish qilishning hojati yo'q yoki lazer optik yo'lini sozlaydi. Bu mashinalarning ishdan chiqish tezligini sezilarli darajada kamaytiradi va ishlash muddatini uzaytiradi.
Katta formatli kesish maydoni har xil metallni qayta ishlash talablariga javob beradi.
Applicable Industries for Fiber Laser Cutting Machine
1.Sharq metall ishlab chiqarish
2. Elektr shkafi
3. Lift
4. Avtomobil qismlari
5. Aviatsiya va aerokosmik
6. Yoritish lampalari
7. Metall karftlar va bezaklar
8. Uskuna vositalari
9. Reklama
10. Furnitures
11. Oshxona jihozlari
12. Fitness jihozlari
13. Tibbiy asbob-uskunalar
14. Qishloq va o'rmon xo'jaligi mashinalari
The advantage of the Suntop CNC fiber laser cutting machines.
Maintenance-free (low maintenance costs):
All-fiber laser optical path entirely composed of fibers and fiber-optic components, welding technology using optical fiber connection between the optical fiber and fiber optic components, the entire optical path is completely enclosed in the optical fiber waveguide. Once this natural all closed optical path is formed, without additional isolation measures can be self-contained, isolated from the external environment to achieve. Resonator fiber grating replaces the lens structure, there is no lens contamination, distortion and so on, so that in case of proper use of fiber lasers, basically no maintenance.
Texnik xususiyatlari:
Model | EKO-FIBER 3015 / 4KVt | |
CNC boshqaruv birligi | FAGOR 8060 CNC tizimi | |
X o'qi (Rack & Pinion) | 3000 mm | |
Y o'qi (Rack & Pinion) | 1500 mm | |
Z o'qi (to'p vintlari) | 100 mm | |
Maksimal kesish hajmi | Yumshoq po'lat | 25 mm |
Zanglamaydigan po'lat | 12 mm | |
Aluminyum | 10 mm | |
Ish qismining o'lchamlari | 1525 x 3050 mm | |
Tez shpal (X va Y o'qlari) | 105 m / min | |
Tezlashtirish | 2.5G (25m / s2) | |
Vektor tezligi | 148 m / min | |
Mutlaq joylashishni aniqlash aniqligi | ± 0,08 mm | |
Takrorlanuvchanlik (X va Y o'qlari) | ± 0,03 mm | |
Maks. yuk hajmi | 2450 kg | |
Yuqori samarali CNC tizimi | FAGOR 8060 Ispaniya brendidan | |
Lazer kuchi | Germaniyadan IPG YLS-4 kVt | |
Yuqori ishlashli Servo vosita / haydovchi | FAGOR, Ispaniya savdo markasi | |
Lazerni kesish boshi | Germaniyadan PRECITEC | |
Motoreducer | Germaniyadan STOBER | |
Mahsulot nomi | Fiber lazerni kesish mashinasi |